July 19, 2007

90 Minutes in Heaven

I have a normal morning routine and it starts with being up by 6 am so that I can listen to my favorite radio talk show, The Rick and Bubba Show. This morning started out as usual and then around the 7:00 hour they had Don Piper (not John, Don) on the show. He is the New York Times Best Selling Author of 90 Minutes in Heaven. Basically, his story starts in 1989 when he was in a horrible car accident, an 18 wheeler ran over his car going about 110 mph, he was pronounced dead at the scene and the book is about what happened next. Evidently 90 minutes after he was pronounced dead he was brought back to life(not sure b/c I didn't hear that part). Anyway...his book talks about what heaven was like. As I was listening this morning at first I thought cool and then the more I listened I was sad. I do not remember the man ever once talking about God and Christ and seeing them. I tried thinking back over my 25 years of "going to church" and my 15 years of being a christian and what I remember is that we will be worshipping God and giving all glory to Him in heaven. I know we hear about our mansions and the pearly gates but I thought the whole purpose of heaven was to glorify God. I thought now how can someone be in Heaven for 1 minute, much less 90 minutes and not talk about the glory of God?!?! I have not read the book so it could be that he does give information on that...but why not mention the greatest part on a radio show? My hubby and I talked about this and both talked about how we feel like heaven is not done yet and how the ultimate judgment will have to happen before any of us enter heaven. I will obviously do more research on this issue but thought I was ask anyone who reads for their opinion...do you have one? If you do let me know what you think...

Also, while on the show he took questions from callers. One question in particular made me chuckle but then his response made me kind of sad. An elderly lady said how she just loved his book but she had a question for him..."I just lost one of my pets yesterday and I was wondering, did you see any animals in heaven?" This lady was absolutely serious, she wasn't be silly or funny, she sounded like she would actually be disappointed if her pets were not in heaven when she got there. I was sad about this because she is obviously missing the point of heaven. Don Piper said that he did not see animals in heaven but he was sure that they would be there, after all they were the last thing God made before he created humans (or something to that effect). I don't agree with this but can't really use my own words to back it up but if you wish you can read my pastor's idea about this topic by clicking here.


The Mom said...

i have heard about this book, but i have not read it. so, i am not sure what i think. i do think that it is sad that he never talked about the Glory of God. makes me wonder if he really saw heaven. i will ask the prof tomorrow about it and tell you what he says.

also, love the new format!!

Abby said...

Thanks! I'll be curious to know what he says about it. I'm not confused by the whole thing I am just curious. I find that this week has been "ask God a question" week for me, so far I'm liking the answers I have been receiving!

I worked long and hard on the format last night...finally figured out something that might work! :-)

The Mom said...

i haven't forgotten to talk to lee about this book...we have been super busy. i promise i will let you know what he says.