2011 will be here in about 10 days. 10 days…where did 2010 go? I have been absent from the blog mainly because I never really felt like I had anything earth-shattering to share…and I still don’t but I realized that it’s not about the earth shattering moments in my life, it’s about God’s guidance through each 24 hour day that I should be sharing. So 2011, here we come and I will be so much better about blogging about the little things that happen at the Lodge and in the Jackson home. This will be a quick trip down 2010 lane for the Jackson home...
Shane on nursery duty @ church. The main thing I can say about 2010 is that God has proven faithful once again, mainly as He continues to complete the work that He began in us (Phil 1:6). I’m not there yet but God is definitely working and that is encouraging. One thing that He has shown me is how blessed I truly was in growing up in the house I grew up in. My parents were not perfect but I got a really good “deal”. J Feeling safe and loved in my home was something that a lot of people did not have and it humbles me that God was so gracious to put me in that home where I had parents that loved Him more than me. I pray my home will be the same for our children one day. This leads me to another event …In March I went to a True Woman Conference in Chattanoonga…WOW is all I can say! I met for the first time a lady by the name of Jennifer Rothschild…needless to say…this woman is AMAZING! I basically cried and dealt with a lot of things as she spoke in the general session, basically allowing lies to creep in to my heart and not fighting them with truth of the Scripture. I then went to a breakout session where Devi Titus spoke on the table and what an important part of the home that is and how at the table is where God works. It really motivated me to have a presentable table in my own home, one where we can bring our trouble to God at the end of the day. We haven’t totally accomplished this every day but we are working on it as well.
Abby's new favorite thing...Sips N Strokes
The BIG event in the Jackson home in 2010 was that Shane went full time at The Apple Store. Many, many years we have prayed for God to give Shane a job where #1 he would be providing for his family and #2 that he loved. We are working on the loving part but he definitely enjoys his work at Apple and being able to provide for our family. He is currently working on the business team at the store and sends out emails and performs tasks that involve their business customers. God has been so gracious to send people into Shane’s life that have offered to give him rides to work this entire year. Also the Birmingham transit system has now accepted his application to ride the paratransit bus…let’s just say that the bus needs some improvement and some SERIOUS prayer for Shane to ride it again after his first try.
Date night @ the 3D showing of Chronicles of Narnia
For me, the year has been busy with work. Many days have been long but the Lord’s mercies are new EVERY morning! God is good. I have really developed some deeper friendships from some sweet girls at church and have been thankful to bear some burdens with them and they with me. God is so good to give us what we need when we don’t even know it! He has done just that this year for us. Sprinkled throughout are some pictures of us enjoying our Iphones…can’t live w/out that thing I don’t think.
beach time in May
We are headed to Clinton, MS to spend some time with my precious grandparents and other family for Christmas. It will be a great time of fellowship but probably also a sad time for us. My grandfather’s alzheimer’s has gotten worse and is just not doing well. We are thankful for what he given to our family and trust that the Lord is faithful even when it is the end of your life. We pray this time will be sweet as we remember that God Himself became flesh so that He might dwell with us and we could see His glory. (John 1:14) MERRY CHRISTMAS…to any that might still read this!!!
setting my table
my bro-in-law, Paul, and Shane enjoying the waves
Teresa and I @ ACB Christmas party